November 2023, A busy month for me!
It all started on 5th, All Saints' Sunday.
We started with, yes, you guessed it! For All The Saints. This year, making its debut in live worship, a descant that I wrote last year whilst taking a break from church music! Expertly sung by the soprano's of St Peter's. you can watch the service, on YouTube (
In Fact, the whole service was amazing. we had Revd Jun Kim visiting us from a neighbouring parish, and his sermon, wow, I have never heard a church 'Belly laugh' so much in my 20 odd years there!
In the evening, we commemorated those we love but see no more. It was a very poigniant service, felt by many, for me though, we had 'Grandad's' Hymn, (Lord of all hopefullness) and one of the last names read, dearest Natasha, who would've loved 'Great is thy Faithfulness' which was our closing hymn. (I think have a music project to crack on with...)
Back home and in the office on the Monday, to start sorting out an upcoming service that I am Directing, and following a day of meetings, emails and telephone calls, I finally have enough information and planning, that we 'go live' with the advertising, and I can update the fabulous team of singers, readers, tea & coffee makers, with more information!
I first emailed the singers, who have been patiently awaiting further updates! I finally confirm "We will rehearse on Monday 20th August" - you can see how this week is going already!!
Remembrance Sunday this was the first time in 6 years, that I haven't been forociously clockwatching, worrying, and organising everything for everyone! infact its the first time in 8 years, that I am not in Wellingborough for Remembrance Sunday. I have to say, for the lovely service it was, I found it much more of a challenge to relax, than ever before. I suppose I have gotten-used-to 'The Wellingborough Way' and its regiments, that it caught me off guard this year to not have that!
At 6pm, St Peter's Weston Favell, you didn't see me for the amazing Requiem Mass with Faure. My inability to learn soo much latin at once, got the better of me, and I opted out!
Learning latin, is aparrently rather easy, as you just sing it as it reads. My problem: I can't read it quick enough, and, It doesn't always follow the above rule, however much people tell me it does... it just doesn't!
So I opted out of this one, it was just too much for me! Is it so bad that I simply said "No Thank you?"
Coming up!
On Sunday 26th November at 6pm, at St Mark's Church in Wellingborough, we are having a special choral service "THE ADVENT STORY" A service that tells of the Advent Story, based on Mark Earey's hymn "Advent Candles Tell Their Story"
This will be a great occasion. I have managed to recruit and reunite some fabulous people, fabulous singers, to make this occasion great!
Please share the word, and if you know any BASSES, please send them my way!!
