So as this Hot, Sunny Saturday began, I had a call from an incredible friend, as there was a slight disaster, and I nearly ended up playing at a baptism... that nearly didn't have a vicar either! - Luckily, this was fixed quickly, and before I even put my shoes on, the service had began. and ended! This Quick-fire Baptism, reminds me of a meme from during COVID times, with a vicar armed with a water-pistol at the carpark entrance!!
The Fete

I was in the process of getting ready to head to Wellingborough anyway, for the Fete at St Andrew's, followed by The Queensway Festival at St Marks.
I managed to spend a lot of money, bought myself a tin opener, met with so many lovely friends at St Andrew's whom I haven't seen for some time.
Up the road at St Mark's I was greeted with the usual warm hospitable welcome that I have received whilst helping them out musically for the past few weeks, Everyone is so lovely!
I then got chatting to the wonderful Ren. She is just stunning. - THAT stunning that she has agreed to do my makeup for an upcoming wedding that I am attending. It was amazing to sit and chat and learn so many similarities in our lives. Meeting this awesome lady, I have met a friend for life, and I am so proud of her, so happy for her and her family, and so unbelievably glad to have met her and be able to call her my friend!
Today, Sunday, is also Father's day. Ren was baptised, and at the moment that the church family were asked, will we support her.... OF COURSE!
She then shared with us, her poem for her Stepfather, which is just incredible!
So on this Fathers day. I wish you all the best, and to whoever you are sharing your fathers day appreciations with. Whether, Dad, Stepdad, Grandad, or even, in a lot of cases. Mum!
Ellie x
(Step © 2023 Ren Haynes)